CacheBox Provider

The CacheBox provider is our very own enterprise cache implementation that has been part of the core since its initial baby step versions. Our caching engine has matured over the years and it has been proven effective, fast, scalable and very user friendly. Here are the two implementations for our CacheBox provider:

  1. CacheBoxProvider : Our base CacheBox provider caching engine

  2. CacheBoxColdBoxProvider : A subclass of CacheBoxProvider that enables caching operations for ColdBox applications


* Coldbox ships with the following eviction policies

  • LRU (Least Recently Used)

  • LFU (Least Frequently Used)

  • FIFO (First In First Out)

  • LIFO (Last In First Out)

  • Custom: You can also build your own and pass the instantiation path in this setting

** ColdBox ships with the following object stores:

  • ConcurrentStore - Uses concurrent hashmaps for increased performance

  • ConcurrentSoftReferenceStore - Concurrent hashmaps plus java soft references for JVM memory sensitivity

  • DiskStore - Uses a physical disk location for caching (Uses java serialization for complex objects)

  • JDBCStore - Uses a JDBC datasource for caching (Uses java serialization for complex objects)

  • Custom : You can also build your own and pass the instantiation path in this setting

Please also note that each of the object stores can have extra configuration properties that you will need to set. So for that, let's delve a little deeper into object stores.

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