CacheBox is incredibly flexible and if you would like to create your own eviction policy, you can! Below are a set of easy steps on how to do this:
Create a simple CFC that implements the following class cachebox.system.cache.policies.IEvictionPolicy or use our convenience abstract class and inherit from cachebox.system.cache.policies.AbstractEvictionPolicy
Create your own execute() method that will evict items (We recommend looking at existing policies to get an insight on how to do this)
Use the policy instantiation path in your cachebox provider properties
Sample Policy
/*** FIFO Eviction Policy Command*/component extends="cachebox.system.cache.policies.AbstractEvictionPolicy"{/** * Constructor * @cacheProvider The associated cache provider of type: cachebox.system.cache.ICacheProvider */FIFOfunctioninit( required cacheProvider ){super.init( arguments.cacheProvider );returnthis; }/** * Execute the policy */functionexecute(){var index ="";// Get searchable indextry{ index =getAssociatedCache().getObjectStore().getIndexer().getSortedKeys( "hits","numeric","asc" );// process evictions via the abstract classprocessEvictions( index ); }catch(Any e){getLogger().error("Error sorting via store indexer #e.message# #e.detail# #e.stackTrace#."); } }}
Process Evictions:
The below code is the code used to evict objects from cache
<--- processEvictions --->
<cffunction name="processEvictions" output="false" access="private" returntype="void" hint="Abstract processing of evictions">
<cfargument name="index" type="array" required="true" hint="The array of metadata keys used for processing evictions"/>
var oCacheManager = getAssociatedCache();
var indexer = oCacheManager.getObjectStore().getIndexer();
var indexLength = arrayLen(arguments.index);
var x = 1;
var md = "";
var evictCount = oCacheManager.getConfiguration().evictCount;
var evictedCounter = 0;
//Loop Through Metadata
for (x=1; x lte indexLength; x=x+1){
// verify object in indexer
if( NOT indexer.objectExists( arguments.index[x] ) ){
md = indexer.getObjectMetadata( arguments.index[x] );
// Evict if not already marked for eviction or an eternal object.
if( md.timeout gt 0 AND NOT md.isExpired ){
// Expire Object
oCacheManager.expireKey( arguments.index[x] );
// Record Eviction
// Can we break or keep on evicting
if( evictedCounter GTE evictCount ){
}//end for loop
That's it folks! Very easily you can create your own eviction policies and use our built in indexers to just sort the elements in whatever way you like. If not, you can always do it yourself :)